Lead Gen Through Internet Marketing, Web Development & Analytics Services

Efficient Web Development, Lead Generation & Image Editing Services

Lead Gen Services

Lead Generation

Lead generation has many types of lead acquisition areas that starts with developing lead lists and migrating to internet marketing strategies that include business lists, seo and ppc.

Web Development

Web development is the process of creating, building, and maintaining websites and web applications that are accessible
via the internet.

Image Editing

This involves using various software tools and techniques to adjust elements such as color, contrast, brightness, and sharpness. Common tasks in image editing include cropping.

Lead Gen Results

From Consultation to Search Results

Guidelines & Expectations

Three Pillars Development essentially provides lead gen services from website development and seo-associated strategies. When clients engage with Three Pillars Development, the goal is to be acquiring regular ongoing search touch points from different areas of the company’s website development and other online sources connected to the company.
For customers, we are the website content-associated seo arm of our customers’ internet marketing. For customers, we do not focus on lead gen activities like direct mail, print advertising or event marketing like tradeshows, etc.
When customers sign on for direct service from Three Pillars, they are provided with front line business listings through Google local maps as well as lead sources based on local seo and the more broad keyword strategies that are associated to website and online content.

There are leads and then there are LEADS

As you have probably experienced, there are different levels of lead quality. Companies that sell cold lead lists can still say that their leads were created with work involved, but there is a difference between how one particular lead list will convert compared to others.
PPC leads are transaction-based. You pay Google and the ad is placed. Getting that lead only gets you a conversation with someone without really knowing you as a company. You often have no history with that company, so you are not as engaged or committed as you would be from seo-based keyword leads.
If a previous company already has a history with the that company posting the Ad, then it qualifies as a level up warmer lead as a reminder that they did business before or at least spoke to a company representative and have a bit of a clue what to expect.
Then we have those “earned seo leads” based on content quality of a site that Google deems worthy of a first page ranking for example. They are a step up from ppc in my view because to rank for that particular keyword took time to earn.
Generally the content associated to the keyword had associations to other things that only add to the richness to the keyword like a well-crafted article that provided a lot of background information on that related topic.

All Leads Have Value

Regardless of the type of lead you get, they all have their place, they just need different strategies and considerations when working with those leads. Conversions to sales come at different points in a sales funnel based on how the lead came in and it is the conversions that need to be considered at different value points.

Working Together To Convert Leads to Sales

If there are web development tasks being performed by in-office employees, for example, with content addition or editing, it is a seamless task execution, since employees have been trained from the get-go on company expectations, values and expected customer service goals, relationships and understandings and each team member probably has some history of lead gen for the company.
To avoid task duplication, any contributing team member involved will lay out generally what their tasks are to other group members alongside any task list that is provided so everyone knows the scope each presents, which will also prevent as much as possible any missed opportunities.
What we want to make sure of is that the lead funnel directs to the designated receiver and that no leads are missed. This information can sometimes miss where the lead was supposed to go like a spam folder in email, so checking all the lead points is important.

When Tasks are Outsourced

Achieving desired results means that information sharing has to be seamless. Some of the information sharing can become a little disconnected, so often when there is a cultural difference, showing is better than texting. Screenshots come in handy in this regard, so even an application like Microsoft Paint can come in handy for quick info sharing.
Confirmation is part of the process when teams are in the same room, a different room, building or off-site at another location. Time response is critical when a prospect fills out a form, calls or emails the company, so having the right person in place to receive and communicate to the team is important. If a receptionist takes a call from a prospect, he/she better knows where and who that lead goes to.
lead generation services

Initial Consultations

Purpose & Timeline

Initial meetings typically take between 15-30 minutes, but can extend as needed without cost.
For the initial meeting, we ask that all attendees are prepared with the expectations and task plan of the meeting.

Ongoing Client Meetings


Ongoing meetings are up to 30 minutes, but flexibility is used in discretion. We use collaborative tools and keep participants engaged and energized.
All meetings are recorded and information is shared with all participants to avoid duplication while keeping interests and brainstorming sessions highly energetic.
lead generation

Understanding Client Expectations

Importance & Flexibility

Importance: Clear communication of goals and execution methods are required for the tasks at hand.
Flexibility: Involving third parties or adjusting task assignments if necessary to meet company needs and expectations.


Initial consultations and ongoing meetings determine the best approach for task alignment for assignments, whether by in-house staff or virtual assistants.
Contact Three Pillars to book a consultation or learn more about our Google Local and SEO pricing services.

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