Hourly Pricing - Level 1 Support | Project Pricing - Level 2 Support | Lot Pricing - Level 3 Support |
Web development and AI tasks have hourly pricing that typically works for added capabilities, fixes and short-term items that are one-offs. | Website builds have project pricing at the start and then get auto-updated to lot pricing once tasks hit the three-hour mark to maximize customer savings. | Web Development and AI tasks start at project pricing and then get auto-updated to lot pricing even if we know that the project will take more than 3 hours. |
Initial consultations are free for the first 30 minutes and any added time is charged up to 3.5 hours. | Consultations are only priced on a per-hour basis. | Auto-updates are put in place for customer cost-savings. We don’t assume that lot pricing is a given and want to assist any way we can. |
Ongoing consultations are priced at project rates. | Training sessions are priced either at project rates or lot pricing, depending on the class type. | Initial consultations are free for the first 30 minutes and any added time is charged up to 3.5 hours before lot pricing begins. |
Task Delegations are outlined based on internal employee skillsets collaborating with outsourced partners and AI tasks, which are considered. | Bootcamp training sessions are based on project pricing and if a third package is purchased, the lot pricing discount kicks in. | Bootcamp training sessions are based on project pricing and if a third package is purchased, the lot pricing discount kicks in. |
Level 1 Support | Level 2 Support | Level 3 Support |
For hourly customers, support is included through 9-5 PM EST Monday – Friday weekdays. | Level 2 Support has automatic 9-5 remote support included with an option for the level 2 support for an extra $100/month for up to 2 remote platform checks and up to 1 on-site visit if the company is in the regional area. If they are not, they can have up to 3 remote sessions up to 7:00 PM EST from Monday - Friday on weekdays. | Level 3 Support has automatic 9-5 remote support included with an option for the standard level 2 support for an extra $100/month or for a $200/month fee, the company will get up to 3 remote platform checks with 1 on-site visit if the company is in the regional area. If they are not, they can have up to 3 remote sessions and one on-site visit if the company is in the region or up to 4 remote sessions up to 9 PM EST from Monday – Friday weekdays. |
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