Web Development, Lead Generation & Image Editing

Outsourced Lead Generation

Efficient Web Development, Lead Generation & Image Editing Services

Task Delegation

Lead Generation

Lead generation has many types of lead acquisition areas that starts with developing lead lists and migrating to internet marketing strategies that include business lists, seo and ppc.

Web Development

Web development is the process of creating, building, and maintaining websites and web applications that are accessible
via the internet.

Image Editing

This involves using various software tools and techniques to adjust elements such as color, contrast, brightness, and sharpness. Common tasks in image editing include cropping.

Task Delegation

Task Delegation Principles for Small Business

Well-Planned Decision Hierarchies Prevent Losses

To put it bluntly, as a small business owner and main decision-maker, if you are not strategically delegating tasks to the most appropriate task handler (and for many tasks, that is not you), then you are losing money based on your own hourly worth.
This should not be a revelation, but as the top person in your company, in today’s world, you are not a $20 per hour or even a $50 per hour employee – even if you call yourself an employee.
I know of a small business owner, who is a friend of a relative who charges $20/hour for her cleaning services. Although she might think that is all she can get for her services, then she really is an employee, and a low self-valuing and low self-esteem one at that.

It's All About Delegation

I know of a small business owner, who is a friend of a relative who charges $20/hour for her cleaning services.
Although she might think that is all she can get for her services, then she really is an employee, and a low self-valuing and low self-esteem one at that.
Outsourced Lead Generation
Your company might only be charging your customers $60 per hour as a rate, but that is not based on what you, as the owner are responsible for.
You are leveraging employees or an outsourced contractor and now today, more and more, AI is picking up the menial task work and not-so-menial task work. The trick is, what do you delegate, to who, when and how?
This is how I would think about who to delegate tasks to:

Delegation Decision Tree

This is how I would think about who to delegate tasks to:

Task Delegation Handler Area of Consideration
Business Owner Sales tasks, business development and signing cheques, but not much more than this.
Employees (in-office) Office admin, specific skill tasks, they were hired for, depending on security clearance, private tasks, etc.
Employees (Remote) The same as in-office employees with the exception of the more delicate, secure areas like the boss's communications, etc. It depends on the trust level.
Boss's Personal Assistant (or Private Secretary) All the most trusted tasks for this person, as we assume that the boss has full trust in this person's confidentiality.
Contractors & Third Party Companies Assigned task(s) in many cases need high security access. However, there needs to be an 'off' switch or purge option so as to guard against future security breach attempts.
AI Chatbots & Assistants/Avatars Area of Consideration
AI Chatbots (site Q&A pop-ups) These chatbots answer basic questions and direct users to other sources for related answers and questions unanswered.
AI LLMs (ChatGPTs) These chatbots are excellent for certain tasks like research, creating outlines, lists, etc, but prompting requires training and babysitting to make sure the output is what is being sought.
AI Assistants & Avatars These chatbots are trained on specific data that the public can access on the website or public sites and nothing more.
PrivateGPT PrivateGPT is a luxury acquisition for any company who wants their employees to gain quick access to information that is privy to the company and its employees, which includes customer accounts and training information, etc.
Note: With regards to ‘business development’ tasks for the business owner, this can have a broad connotation, but this really only means ‘high level’ business development.
You might sit in on the initial web development meetings, but once it becomes routine, leave it to your designated employees to stay current and update you on progress, reporting, etc.


For more information on task delegation as they relate to your web development needs, you can access the web development task list here.

Next Step

Contact Three Pillars to book an consultation to discuss your web development project or keep looking through the site for more information that will assist you in who you will decide to delegate tasks to.

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